Kevin Taylor
Visit here for updates on this legendary man.
Kevin Taylor
Visit here for updates on this legendary man.

Before Kevin passed he made it very clear to his girls that he did not want a funeral or memorial. He wanted a party with music , people laughing and sharing memories all while having a bourbon in everyone’s hand so that’s what we will give him.
We will also be doing a Potluck for Dad so if you are interested in bringing a dish off the menu we are creating stay on the look out for a post about it!
Date/Time: April 16th 2pm – 5pm
Location: The Events Of Excellent At Tyler’s Venue
Address: 654 Rt 59 Naperville, IL 60540
Important Note: This is a NEW Venue and is not yet found on Google/Apple Maps. As such the picture of the map should help you find it. The closest LANDMARK is Olive Garden at 620 Rt 59 Naperville, IL 60540 which is right nextdoor.
Dear Friends and Family
Thank you for the outpouring of love and support. The internet sure helps to keep everyone updated and words of encouragement flowing and consistent.
Kevin has been diagnosed with stage four gastric cancer. His recent surgery exposed findings of cancer and lesions on his spine. His kidneys are putting up a good fight to clear his system of the junk in him from a perforated ulcer. Then we will be bringing Kevin home once his health and strength improve before starting chemo.
And so the fight begins … His spirits are high and he is looking forward to coming home to his girls (that includes the dogs).
We will post any updates and pics, please join us in prayer and let’s all send positive energy and support their way.
If you are interested or able to provide financial support, a VENMO account has been setup: @helpforkevintaylor